Eugene, Oregon
Cities are paying close attention to the bike lane debate happening in the college town of Eugene. Inspired by recent events in the Lithuanian capital city of Vilnius, the Eugene City Council is considering a surprisingly simple solution: Run over the cars parked in the bike lane with a tank! The theory is that the car-owner will likely avoid bike lane blockage in the future and a video of the crushing provides just the sort of viral image that will spread the news of stepped-up enforcement throughout the community and increase compliance.
Mayors in the United States will certainly consider this solution as cities, counties, and states push to increase green transportation solutions and decrease reliance on the automobile. Additionally, as budgets are cut and enforcement becomes more difficult, high profile, newsworthy interventions are likely to be embraced. In Lane County, Oregon, a confidential source close to the Mayor and City Council, indicates that the City of Eugene has even begun negotiations with the National Guard armory for use of an armored vehicle as a trial enforcement strategy. As an additional twist, the City of Eugene is considering selling tickets to citizens interested in riding along in the patrol tank. For additional fee, ticket purchasers can drive the tank for a block or two or even choose the enforcement route. An enthusiastic Commissioner, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, "This is F&*%#$% great! It will totally pay for itself! We might even make a few bucks!"
AAA Oregon released a condemnation of the proposed measures late Friday afternoon. In a written statement, Spokesperson Dirk McIrksome, indicated that if the new measures are enacted, he will launch a campaign encouraging drivers to run down bikers who stray out of bike lanes into traffic. In a related story, Eugene Police report that a bright red Hummer H3 owned by Mr. McIrksome suffered an undisclosed amount of mysterious damage after being partially crushed Saturday morning.
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