Thursday, December 12, 2013

How many is too many?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cover Oregon: The Child Center Can Help!

Cover Oregon is in the news along with the National reforms to healthcare. Aside from the controversy around the functioning of the various and complicated systems involved, what it can mean is more children being able to access needed mental health, physical health, and dental services.

If you are looking for local information and assistance about how to sign up and what you or your family qualify for, The Child Center in Springfield can help you if you reside in Lane County!

Help Signing Up:
Call The Child Center  at 541-726-1465 and ask for someone from the Wellness program. If you call after business hours and receive a recorded message, you can press "1" to leave a message.

Visit the website:
The Child Center

Cover Oregon Website:

Related Article:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013;jsessionid=E73851C60F323A34F9F3048E75F0BDD1.app253a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=429

Friday, August 23, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Bike Suspension Alternative

Results may vary.

Possibly less environmentally sound than getting a full suspension bike.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Bicyclist's Survival Guide by ODOT: Available for FREE right now!

Stay happy, healthy, and rubber-side down with the new ODOT bicyclist's handbook!

CLICK HERE for the free book!

free bicycle cyclist road bike training wheels cycle trike ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation frogs ride like the wind...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Chicago Teen Shot to Death After Sister Attended Obama's Gun Speech

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Teacher with fear of young kids sues Ohio district


Teacher with fear of young kids sues Ohio district:

'via Blog this'

The Cost of Gun Violence

"Firearm injuries cost $174 billion in the United States in 2010 and the government's firearm injury bill alone exceeded $12 billion. PIRE researcher Ted Miller estimates annual firearm injury costs average $645 per gun in America.  The costs include medical and mental health care costs, criminal justice costs, wage losses, and the value of pain, suffering and lost quality of life. Violence - assaults and suicide acts - dominated the costs."

An amazing cost to our society. An amazing shared cost to all of us. That being said, if your loved one is the one who is shot, or even the one sent to prison, how does one measure the cost then?Lets stick with the idea of cost. Who is paying? I am. You are. We all are. Taxes pay for law enforcement, courts, and prisons. Health and mental health care is paid for by employers, individuals or the government filtered through insurance companies. I am going out on a limb here and guessing that presenting in the emergency room with a gunshot wound is a fairly expensive affair. Expensive affairs in the realm of healthcare drive up the general costs of healthcare: We all pay for that one way or another.

Pass along the $645 cost per year as a licensing fee for the owner of the weapon. It could be further broken down; perhaps hunting rifles and double barrel shotguns could be taxes at a lower rate while handguns and assault rifles could be taxed at a rate that covers the proportional damage they do to our society.

Exercising your rights? That is great. Pay for it. Don't expect everyone else to pay for it!

The link be low will take you to several charts with lots of details.
The Cost of Gun Violence | Children's Safety Network:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Doubt and Certainty

“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” –Voltaire

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thought of the Day

"If you're capable of understanding the world, you have a moral obligation to become rational." — Charlie Munger

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Coolest Rear End

Audi OLED demo - The swarm

Keep Sealy Mattress Co. in Portland!

Right now the investment firm KKR is threatening to move 128 family wage factory jobs out of Oregon. 

The personal part of this for me is more than my love of sleep! Those 128 family wage factory jobs have a special place in my heart and the history of my family: My grandmother, Mathilda "Tillie" Beach, an immigrant from the Ukraine of German descent, worked at that factory from the age of 19 until her retirement decades later. She began as a seamstress and, later in her career, was a floor manager. 

KKR now owns the company and would like to move production to another state and re-establish it with lower cost non-union workers. Moving Sealy would be a blow to the Portland economy while the parent company, KKR, manages and profits from $3 BILLION of the state government's investments.

I signed a petition to George Roberts, Co-Chief Executive Officer, KKR, which says:
"Mr. Roberts: We call on you to lift your threat to close your Oregon factory and stop your effort to move 128 union jobs out of the state. As the leader of an investment firm that receives BILLIONS of dollars of Oregon's investment money we call on you to not take the state's money and run."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:
